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I n d i a n a


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The State of Disclosure in Indiana

Although it received a passing grade, Indiana has significant room to improve its campaign finance disclosure program, particularly in the Campaign Disclosure Law and Electronic Filing Program categories.

Indiana law requires candidates to file one report in non-election years and one report before an election. Candidates must disclose information about individuals who contribute $100 or more; for contributions of $1,000 or more a contributor's occupation, but not employer, is also required. Last-minute contributions of over $1,000 must be reported within 48 hours of an election. Expenditures of over $100 must be reported, but subvendor information does not have to be disclosed. Independent expenditures are not required to be reported. Indiana has voluntary electronic filing for both statewide and legislative candidates.

Indiana does a fair job of making campaign finance data available to the public. Disclosure agency staff manually enter statements that have been filed on paper into a database, and it can take up to two weeks for the campaign finance information to be posted on the web site. Indiana's comprehensive searchable databases of contributions and expenditures contain itemized data dating back to 1998. The databases would be better if they allowed the public to search for an expenditure by description, to sort records online and to download data for analysis offline.

In terms of web site usability, Indiana is one of only a few states that does a really good job of informing the public what campaign finance information can be found there, through a page including answers to questions such as “what does the database contain?”, “whose records are included?”, and “when are records available?”. Some significant gaps exist in Indiana's web site, however; the state could add a list of the total amounts raised and spent by state candidates, and lists of candidates for recent or current elections. Usability scores for Indiana's web site reflect the need for improvement. Testers found individual contributor information, but none of the summary numbers matched.


Disclosure Agency: Secretary of State
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This page was first published on September 17, 2003
| Last updated on September 17, 2003
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