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The State of Disclosure in Nevada

Nevada's campaign finance disclosure program barely received a passing grade in the study. The state has significant room to improve, particularly in its law and Electronic Filing program.

Under Nevada law, candidates who raise more than $10,000 must file an annual statement in non-election years and all candidates must file one report before an election. Detailed information about contributors who give more than $100 must be reported, but occupations and employers are not required. Last-minute contributions do not have to be disclosed before an election. Details about expenditures greater than $100 must be reported, but subvendor information does not have to be included. Independent expenditures must be reported, but last-minute independent expenditures are not required to be disclosed before an election. Although the state adequately funds its electronic filing program and provides technical training and a standard filing format to its filers, Nevada received an F in this category because its program is voluntary.

Nevada could make campaign finance data more accessible to the public. The agency posts campaign finance reports for all statewide candidates and some legislative candidates on its web site within 24 hours of being filed. In late 2002, the state launched an online searchable database, called the “On-line Contributions and Expenses Reporting Pilot Program” that contains contributions and expenditures. Unfortunately, the database only contains a handful of records and has limited search options. Also, it is not possible to sort the data online or to download it for sorting offline.

The usability of the disclosure site is fairly good. There is good contextual information to help the public understand campaign financing in Nevada and the state does a good job — through its interface for viewing reports and lists of candidates — of helping site visitors determine the scope of the data available online. However, it could be improved with the addition of lists of the total amounts raised and spent by state candidates and the timeframe of reporting periods in the index of a candidate's reports. Nevada did well in the usability testing, reflecting the relatively good usability of its site.

Disclosure Agency: Secretary of State
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This page was first published on September 17, 2003
| Last updated on September 17, 2003
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