For the fourth year in a row, states across
the country performed best in the Campaign
Disclosure Law category, with only six states
receiving F grades. Four states made improvements
to their campaign disclosure laws since the
2005 study, with Oregon and Virginia moving
into the A range, and Tennessee and Vermont
moving up into the C range from a D- and an
F, respectively. Six states received law grades
in the A range, and there were 16 grades in
the B range in this category. Four Ds and 18
Cs account for the remaining Disclosure Law
- States
with the strongest disclosure laws, in rank
order from one to ten, are: California; Oregon;
Washington; Virginia; Colorado and Hawaii
(tied for 5th); Georgia and New Jersey (tied
for 7th); Montana; Missouri, Kentucky and
Minnesota (tied for 10th).
- States
with the weakest disclosure laws, in rank
order from 41 to 50, are: Delaware; Kansas;
New Mexico; Maryland; Utah; Nevada; Wyoming;
Alabama; South Dakota; and North Dakota.
Significant 2007 findings:
- 31
states require a contributor’s
occupation and employer to be disclosed;
- 5
states require only a contributor’s
occupation to be disclosed;
- 2
states require only a contributor’s
employer to be disclosed;
- 12
states do not require disclosure of either
occupation or employer;
- 48
states require descriptions of expenditures
to be disclosed;
- 21
states require expenditures made by subvendors
to be reported;
- 42
states require independent expenditures
to be reported;
- 26
states require timely reporting of last-minute
independent expenditures;
- 36
states require timely reporting of last-minute
- 30
states conduct mandatory reviews of disclosure
- 12
states require field audits of disclosure
reports; and
- 9
states require both desk reviews and field
audits of campaign filings.
Significant changes since 2005:
- 2
states increased the number of pre-election
reports that must be filed by candidates
(Oregon, Tennessee);
- 2
states added an additional non-election
year campaign finance disclosure filing
(Oregon, Tennessee);
- 1
state added contributor occupation and
employer reporting (Tennessee);
- 1
state added timely reporting of last-minute
contributions (Vermont);
- 1
state added subvendor reporting requirements
- 1
state added independent expenditure reporting
requirements (Vermont); and
- 2
states added timely reporting of last-minute
independent expenditures (Vermont and Virginia).
states earned higher grades in the Disclosure
Law category following improvements made to
their campaign disclosure laws as of December
31, 2006 (the cutoff period for disclosure
law changes to be reflected in Grading State
Disclosure 2007). Oregon and Tennessee improved
both in pre-election reporting and non-election
year reporting, while Tennessee also added
subvendor reporting requirements. Vermont added
independent expenditure reporting and improved
its reporting of last-minute contributions,
while Virginia strengthened its already strong
disclosure law by requiring more thorough independent
expenditure reporting. Additionally, a number
of states’ grades in this category were
revised after Project researchers re-evaluated
disclosure law findings previously reported.
states that strengthen their campaign disclosure
laws do so through the appointment of a task
force or panel to study the issues that are
clouding the public’s ability
to access campaign finance information. Tennessee’s
Citizen Advisory Group on Ethics and Oregon’s
Campaign Finance Disclosure Panel are just
two examples of state initiatives that led
to successful changes in campaign disclosure
laws. Task forces can add weight to recommended
reforms and provide greater momentum for passage,
particularly with the appointment of a diverse,
bi-partisan panel that includes both citizens
and policymakers.
Contributor Information
in years past, Grading State Disclosure 2007
found that every state requires campaign
contributors to be named at some contribution
threshold, often with additional details disclosed
for larger contributions. South Dakota remains
the only state that does not require the date
of contributions to be disclosed, but is among
the 33 states that require a contributor’s
employer to be disclosed. Thirty-six states
require the disclosure of a contributor’s
occupation, while 31 states require both occupation
and employer information to be listed on disclosure
reports. Twelve states require neither occupation
nor employer information to be disclosed.

image to enlarge
final detail examined in this study regarding
contributor information is whether or not a
state requires the cumulative contributions
made by a donor over the course of a year or
election cycle to be reported. Cumulative contribution
data makes it easier for the public to identify
the scope of a donor’s contributions
to a specific candidate. Thirty-six states
require cumulative contributions to be reported;
14 states do not.
In-Kind Contributions and Loans
states require in-kind contributions to be
reported, and 48 states require some amount
of loan details to be disclosed. Only 15 states
require the interest rate of a loan to a candidate
to be disclosed, and 16 require the repayment
schedule to be reported. In 35 states, the
loan’s guarantor must be included in
the candidate’s campaign disclosure reports,
rather than simply naming the financial institution
making the loan.
Forty-nine states mandate that candidates
report their campaign expenses. North Dakota
remains the only state that does not require
disclosure of campaign expenses. Oklahoma and
South Dakota require the amount of an expenditure
to be disclosed, but not the name or identity
of the recipient. Mississippi does not require
the purpose for a campaign expense to be reported.
Forty-seven states require the date of campaign
expenses to be disclosed, and 42 states require
candidates to report their campaign debts and
obligations. Only 21 states require the disclosure
of subvendor payments, such as the itemization
of expenses made by campaign consultants or
a detailed accounting of credit card expenses.
Number of Reports Filed
vary widely in the frequency of disclosure
reports required to be filed. In election years,
twelve states require one pre-election report,
21 states require two such reports, and 17
require three or more reports before an election.
In non-election years, 23 states require one
report, while 27 states require two or more.
Disclosure of late contributions (made between
the close of the final pre-election reporting
period and Election Day) is required in 36
states. In the 14 states without such last-minute
reporting, many contributions are hidden from
public review until after the election has
taken place.
Independent Expenditures
In recent years, increased attention has been
paid to expenditures made by committees that
operate independently from candidates and spend
tremendous amounts of money to affect election
outcomes. Individuals, corporations, unions,
and others seeking to influence the outcome
of elections can do so through independent
expenditures, thus evading state or federal
contribution limits. As the prominence of independent
expenditures has grown, states have taken steps
to ensure that the public knows who is behind
this unlimited campaign spending.
Forty-two states now require independent expenditure
reporting and 36 of those states require independent
expenditure reports to specify which candidate
is the subject of the expense. Twenty-six of
these states also require that last-minute
independent expenditures be reported before
the election. As of December 31, 2006, eight
states -- Alabama, Indiana, Maryland, New Mexico,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wyoming
-- did not require independent expenditure
reporting (South Dakota enacted this requirement
in 2007).
Auditing and Enforcement
As important as campaign disclosures are,
it is equally important to ensure that disclosure
reports are accurately filed in a timely fashion.
All 50 states have some form of penalty (civil
or criminal) triggered by a violation of campaign
disclosure requirements. However, the mechanisms
for identifying those violations vary from
state to state. Ideally, all states would conduct
both mandatory reviews as well as field audits
of campaign finance records. Presently, 30
states conduct desk reviews and twelve states
conduct field audits, with just nine states
requiring both (California, Florida, Idaho,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oregon
and Tennessee). Seventeen states have no provisions
for auditing campaign finances.